
List of WebSocket Rcon Rust Console Commands

The commands below can be used with the "WebSocket Rcon"
Server Settings/Controls
  • chat.serverlog <true/false (default true)> - If true, chat will be logged to the console
  • echo "text" - Prints text to the server console
  • env.time - 
  • - Sends an airdrop from a random direction to drop crates at (0,0,0)
  • find <name or . for all> - Search for a command
  • say "message" - Broadcasts a message in chat to ALL players
  • server.globalchat <true/false (default true?)> - If true, chat will be broadcasted to ALL players
  • server.hostname "server name" - Sets the server name
  • server.identity "identity" - Sets the server’s identity. This is used for the folder name of the server data
  • server.level "map name" : Sets the server’s map
  • server.maxplayers <number (default 500)> - Sets the maximum amount of players that can connect
  • server.port <number (default 28015)> - Sets the connection port of the server
  • - Forces the server to save the map and player data
  • server.saveinterval <number (default 60)> - Sets the server’s auto-save interval
  • <true/false (default true)> - If true, EAC will kick banned or unregistered users upon joining
  • server.seed <number (default 123456)> - Sets the server’s map generation seed
  • server.stability true/false - If true, structure stability is enabled on the server
  • server.start - Uhh… starts your server? Wait, isn’t it already running?
  • server.stop "reason" - Stops yours server with a specified reason
  • server.tickrate <number (default 30)> - Uhh… sets the tick rate?
  • server.worldsize <number (default 4000)> - Sets the size of the map/world
  • server.writecfg - Writes and saves server configuration files
  • quit - Saves everything and stops the server
Player Administration
  • ban "player name" "reason"
  • banid <steamid64> "player name" "reason"
  • banlist - List of banned users
  • banlistex - List of banned users with reasons and usernames
  • kick <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Kicks player, with optional reason
  • kickall <invalid parameter, just put ""> "reason" - Kicks all players, with optional reason
  • listid <steamid64> - List of banned users by Steam ID
  • moderatorid <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Sets player as a server moderator with auth level 1
  • ownerid <steamid64> "player name" "reason" - Sets player as a server admin with auth level 2
  • removemoderator <steamid64> - Removes player as moderator
  • removeowner <steamid64> - Removes player as owner
  • unban <steamid64> - Unbans player by Steam ID
Player Controls
  • chat.say - Sends a message from the in-game F1 console to the in-game chat as player
  • craft.add -
  • craft.cancel -
  • craft.canceltask -
  • find <name or . for all> - Search for a command
  • inventory.endloot -
  • inventory.give -
  • inventory.giveid -
  • inventory.givebp -
  • kill - Suicide/kill yourself
  • quit - Saves everything and closes the game
  • respawn - Force yourself to respawn
  • respawn_sleepingbag - Force yourself to respawn in your sleeping bag
  • sleep -
  • spectate -
  • wakeup -
  • players - Shows currently connected clients
  • status - Shows currently connected clients
  • users - Show user info for players on server
  • colliders -
  • ddraw.arrow -
  • ddraw.line -
  • ddraw.sphere -
  • ddraw.text -
  • dev.culling -
  • dev.hidelayer -
  • dev.sampling -
  • dev.showlayer -
  • dev.togglelayer -
  • entity.debug_toggle -
  • entity.nudge -
  • gc.collect - Recollects unused memory and unloads unused assets
  • objects -
  • perf - Print out performance data
  • physics_iterations <number (default: 7)> - The default solver iteration count permitted for any rigid bodies. Must be positive
  • physics_steps ?? - The amount of physics steps per second
  • queue - Shows the stability and surroundings queues
  • report Generates a report of all spawned entities in the server's root directory
  • textures - Lists the loaded textures
Oxide Specific
  • oxide.load "file name" - Loads plugin with name given (do not include file extension, ex. lua, js, py)
  • oxide.reload "file name" - Reloads plugin with name given (do not include file extension, ex. lua, js, py)
  • oxide.unload "file name" - Unloads plugin with name given (do not include file extension, ex. lua, js, py)
  • version - Displays the Oxide version and the Rust network protocol version in the console

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