
V Rising general info and server configuration

Launch Commands

Note, the launch commands will override settings in your ServerHostSettings.json mentioned later on in this wiki.

Parameter Example Value Comment
-saveName "world1" Name of save file/directory
-serverName "My V Rising Server" Name of server in server list
-persistentDataPath ".\save-data" Absolute or relative path to where Settings and Save files are held
-maxConnectedUsers 10 Max number of concurrent players on server
-maxConnectedAdmins 4 Max number of admins to allow connect even when server is full
-address "" Bind to a specific IP address
-gamePort 9876 UDP port for game traffic, TCP for rcon traffic
-queryPort 9877 UDP port for Steam server list features

Server Configuration

Settings File Location

After a server runs for the first time, it generates default config files into the folder: VRisingServer_Data/StreamingAssets/Settings/

  • ServerHostSettings.json (ports, server name, etc)
  • ServerGameSettings.json (day/night cycle lengths, etc)

As mentioned previously, it's recommended NOT to edit the above files, or your changes could be lost with new updates.

If you haven't done so already, copy the files next to your Save folder, in a folder called Settings:

  • Paste the files into: <serverdirectory>\save-data\Settings\

Server Host Settings

The ServerHostSettings.json file will let you configure network and administrative settings.

Setting Example Value Comment
Name "My V Rising Server" Name of server
Description "This is a role playing server" Short description of server purpose, rules, message of the day
Port 9876 UDP port for game traffic
QueryPort 9877 UDP port for Steam server list features
MaxConnectedUsers 10 Max number of concurrent players on server
MaxConnectedAdmins 4 Max number of admins to allow connect even when server is full
SaveName "world1" Name of save file/directory
Password "SuperSecret" Set a password or leave empty
ListOnMasterServer true Set to true to list on server list, else set to false
AutoSaveCount 40 Number of autosaves to keep
AutoSaveInterval 120 Interval in seconds between each auto save
GameSettingsPreset "StandardPvP" Name of a GameSettings preset found in the GameSettingPresets folder.
  • PvE Presets: StandardPvE; StandardPvE_Easy; StandardPvE_Hard; Level30PvE; Level50PvE; Level70PvE
  • PvP Presets: StandardPvP; StandardPvP_Easy; StandardPvP_Hard; HardcorePvP; SoloPvP; DuoPvP; Level30PvP; Level50PvP; Level70PvP
RCON "Enabled": true,

"Password": "SecretPassword",

"Port": 9876

Enable RCON which can connect to and run the following commands: runcommand, announce, announcerestart, help (command)

Example Configuration

  "Name": "Awesome V Rising PvP",
  "Description": "PvP server that is really awesome.",
  "Port": 9876,
  "QueryPort": 9877,
  "MaxConnectedUsers": 40,
  "MaxConnectedAdmins": 4,
  "ServerFps": 30,
  "SaveName": "world1",
  "Password": "secret123",
  "Secure": true,
  "ListOnMasterServer": true,
  "AutoSaveCount": 50,
  "AutoSaveInterval": 600,
  "GameSettingsPreset": "StandardPvP",
  "AdminOnlyDebugEvents": true,
  "DisableDebugEvents": false,
  "Rcon": {
	"Password": "secret456",
	"Enabled": true,
	"Port": 9876

Server Game Settings

The ServerGameSettings.json file will let you configure the gameplay settings. Note, there is a known issue that after a server has been created, several settings cannot be updated, even after restarting the server. 

Stunlock has published a list of commands on their web-site:

Below are the known commands which will be updated frequently:

Setting Options Comment
GameModeType PvP; PvE Sets the kind of game mode you're playing.
CastleDamageMode Always; Never; TimeRestricted Sets when Castles can be damaged. "TimeRestricted" uses VSCastle times.
SiegeWeaponHealth   Determines the health of Siege Weapons. Formatting unknown.
PlayerDamageMode Always; TimeRestricted Determines whether or not other players can be damaged. "TimeRestricted" uses VsPlayer times.
CastleHeartDamageMode CanBeDestroyedOnlyWhenDecaying; CanBeDestroyedByPlayers; CanBeSeizedOrDestroyedByPlayers Determines how and when Castle Hearts can be destroyed or seized.
PvPProtectionMode   Unknown function.
DeathContainerPermission Anyone; ClanMembers Defines who can loot your dropped items after you die.
RelicSpawnType Unique; Plentiful Determines whether there is only one of each Soul Shard in the world (Unique) or whether there can be more than one of each type (Plentiful).
CanLootEnemyContainers true; false Determines whether or not you can loot the chests of other players not in your clan.
BloodBoundEquipment true; false Determines whether or not you keep your equipment after dying.
TeleportBoundItems true; false Determines whether or not items will block you from teleporting through a Vampire Waygate.
AllowGlobalChat true; false Turns Global Chat on or off.
AllWaypointsUnlocked true; false Determines whether all Vampire Waygates are active or inactive when in a new world.
FreeCastleClaim true; false Determines whether or not Castles can be claimed at no resource cost.
FreeCastleDestroy true; false Determines whether or not Castles can be destroyed at no resource cost.
InactivityKillEnabled true; false Unknown function.
InactivityKillTimeMin Default – 3600 Unknown function.
InactivityKillTimeMax Default – 604800 Unknown function.
InactivityKillSafeTimeAddition Default – 172800 Unknown function.
InactivityKillTimerMaxItemLevel Default – 84 Unknown function.
DisableDisconnectedDeadEnabled true; false Unknown function.
DisableDisconnectedDeadTimer Default – 60 Unknown function.
InventoryStacksModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the size of inventory stacks.
DropTableModifier_General Default – 1.0 Modifies how much loot enemies drop.
DropTableModifier_Missions Default – 1.0 Modifies how much loot drops from quests.
MaterialYieldModifier_Global Default – 1.0 Modifies how much loot drops when you mine a resource node.
BloodEssenceYieldModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies how much Blood Essence you get from an enemy.
JournalVBloodSourceUnitMaxDistance Default – 25.0 Unknown function.
PvPVampireRespawnModifier Default – 1.0 Determines how long it takes a player to respawn if they've been killed in PvP.
CastleMinimumDistanceInFloors Default – 2 Determines the minimum distance between two Castles, measured in floor squares
ClanSize Default – 4 Determines the maximum size of a Clan. Max is 10.
BloodDrainModifier Default – 1.0 Determines how much a player's Blood level drains.
DurabilityDrainModifier Default – 1.0 Determines how much a player's durability drains.
GarlicAreaStrengthModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the strength of Garlic areas.
HolyAreaStrengthModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the strength of Holy areas.
SilverStrengthModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the strength of the Silver debuff.
SunDamageModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the strength of the Sun debuff.
CastleDecayRateModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the rate at which Castles decay.
CastleBloodEssenceDrainModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the rate at which Castles drain stored Blood Essence.

Note: This setting is currently not working in version 0.5.41237 of V Rising.

CastleSiegeTimer Default – 420.0 Modifies how long a Castle can be sieged by another player.
CastleUnderAttackTimer Default – 60.0 Modifies how long a castle can be under attack.
AnnounceSiegeWeaponSpawn true; false Determines whether or not a Siege Weapon being deployed is announced to the server.
ShowSiegeWeaponMapIcon true; false Determines whether or not a deployed Siege Weapon is shown on the map as an icon.
BuildCostModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the cost for buildings.
RecipeCostModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the cost for Crafting.
CraftRateModifier Default - 1.0 Modifies the speed of Crafting.
ResearchCostModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the cost of Research.
RefinementCostModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the cost of Refining.
RefinementRateModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the speed of Refining.
ResearchTimeModifier Default – 1.0 Modifies the speed of Research.
DismantleResourceModifier Default 0.75 Determines how much Resources you get back when you dismantle a building.
ServantConvertRateModifier Default 1.0 Modifies the time it takes to convert a Servant.
RepairCostModifier Default 1.0 Modifies the repair cost of damaged buildings.
Death_DurabilityFactorLoss Default – 0.25 Determines how much durability you lose on death.
Death_DurabilityLossFactorAsResources Default – 1.0 Determines how many resources you drop in PvP based on your durability.
StarterEquipmentId Default - 0

Gear Level 30: -376135143

Gear Level 50: -1613823352

Gear Level 70: -255898606

Gear Level 80:

Determines what kind of equipment players will start with; you have to enter the specific ID to get the related set of items.
StarterResourcesId Default - 0

Gear Level 30: -696202180

Gear Level 50: 481718792

Gear Level 70: -766909665

Determines the set of resources players will start with; you have to enter the specific ID to get the related set of items.
VbloodUnitSettings   Unknown function.
UnlockedAchievements   Determines which server achievements are unlocked. Formatting is unknown.
UnlockedResearchs   Determines which research items are unlocked by default. Formatting is unknown.
GameTimeModifiers DayDurationInSeconds - Default 1080.0

DayStartHour - Default 9

DayStartMinute - Default 0

DayEndHour - Default 17

DayEndMinute - Default 0

BloodMoonFrequency_Min - Default 10

BloodMoonFrequency_Max - Default 18

BloodMoonBuff - Default 0.2

Determines the length of the day, when a day starts and ends, the length of a Blood Moon, how often Blood Moons happen, and how much a Blood Moon buffs players.
VampireStatModifiers MaxHealthModifier - Default 1.0,

MaxEnergyModifier - Default 1.0

PhysicalPowerModifier - Default 1.0

SpellPowerModifier - Default 1.0

ResourcePowerModifier - Default 1.0

SiegePowerModifier - Default 1.0

DamageReceivedModifier - Default 1.0

ReviveCancelDelay - Default 5.0

Modifies the core stats of a Vampire.
UnitStatModifiers_Global MaxHealthModifier - Default 1.0

PowerModifier - Default 1.0

Modifies the core stats of regular units in the world.
UnitStatModifiers_VBlood MaxHealthModifier - Default 1.0

PowerModifier - Default 1.0

Modifies the core stats of V Blood bosses in the world.
EquipmentStatModifiers_Global MaxEnergyModifier - Default 1.0

MaxHealthModifier - Default 1.0

ResourceYieldModifier - Default 1.0

PhysicalPowerModifier - Default 1.0

SpellPowerModifier - Default 1.0

SiegePowerModifier - Default 1.0

MovementSpeedModifier - Default 1.0

Modifies how much of a buff you get from equipment.
CastleStatModifiers_Global TickPeriod - Default 5.0

DamageResistance - Default 0.0

SafetyBoxLimit - Default 1

TombLimit - Default 12

VerminNestLimit - Default 4

CastleLimit - Default 2

Modifies the stats of your Castle, including the maximum number of Castles, Tombs, and Vermin Nests you can have.
PylonPenalties   Unknown function.
PlayerInteractionSettings Timezone - Local; UTC; PST; EST; CET; CST





Sets the timezone for the server. Sets when PvP time starts and ends on weekdays. Set when PvP time starts and ends on weekends. Sets when Castle Siege time starts and ends on weekdays. Sets when Castle Siege time starts and ends on weekends.

Example Configuration

Pre-made configurations can be found in the folder: VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\GameSettingPresets

Admin List

Place a users Steam64 ID into the adminlist.txt settings file to give them admin rights. You will need to put one Steam64 ID per line, save the file, and restart the server for changes to take affect. Note, any user you give admin rights with the admin console will also appear on this list.

Example adminlist.txt:


Ban List

Place a users Steam64 ID into the banlist.txt settings file to ban them from the server. You will need to put one Steam64 ID per line, save the file, and restart the server for changes to take affect. Note, any user you ban with the admin console will also appear on this list.


Server VoIP Settings

Voice chat can be enabled if you have a key from the Vivox developer portal, which can take 1-2 days to receive approval after registering. After you receive approval, follow the instructions below:

  1. Login to the Vivox Developer Portal
  2. Click on Create New Application
  3. In Application or Game Name set the name to something like VRising_Server
  4. In the Game Genres put a check in Action
  5. Click Continue
  6. In What engine are you building your app with? Vivox provides out-of-the-box solutions for the engines listed below - select Vivox Core if yours is not listed., select Unity
  7. In What platform(s) does your app support, select Windows
  8. Click Continue
  9. Click Create App
  10. Create a new file called <GAME_SERVER_DIRECTORY>\VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\Settings\ServerVoipSettings.json
  11. Add the following content to the file
    "VOIPEnabled": true,
    "VOIPIssuer": "",
    "VOIPSecret": "",
    "VOIPAppUserId": "",
    "VOIPAppUserPwd": "",
    "VOIPVivoxDomain": "",
    "VOIPAPIEndpoint": "",
    "VOIPConversationalDistance": 14,
    "VOIPAudibleDistance": 40,
    "VOIPFadeIntensity": 2.0
  1. In the ServerVoipSettings.json set the VOIPIssuer to the value you see in Vivox portal under Api Keys called Issuer
  2. In the ServerVoipSettings.json set the VOIPSecret to the value you see in the Vivox portal under Api Keys called Secret Key
  3. In the ServerVoipSettings.json set the VOIPAppUserId to the value you see in the Vivox portal under Api Keys called Admin User ID
  4. In the ServerVoipSettings.json set the VOIPAppUserPwd to the value you see in the Vivox portal under Api Keys called Admin Password
  5. In the ServerVoipSettings.json set the VOIPVivoxDomain to the value you see in the Vivox portal under Environment Details called Domain
  6. In the ServerVoipSettings.json set the VOIPAPIEndpoint to the value you see in the Vivox portal under Environment Details called API End-Point

Console Commands

Console commands for administering the server can be executed via the in-game console or via RCON.

Helpful Admin Tips

You can bind console commands to hotkeys for quick faster execution. Example, you can bind changehealthofclosesttomouse to Shft+F1 to quickly remove castle blockers on your server.

  • Console.Bind Shift+F1 changehealthofclosesttomouse -5000 Console.
  • Console.Bind Shift+F2 toggleobserve 2 Console.
  • Console.Bind Shift+F3 TeleporttoChunk 4,16 (my castle)


You can connect to you server via RCON using a client such as rcon-cli. Ensure you have RCON enabled as explained in the Server Host Settings section and port forwarding set to pass TCP, and you will be able to log in.

Additional Documentation

Sandbox Mode

You need to add a file in the save-data/Settings directory and call it: ServerDebugSettings.json (assuming you are using the default server batch file)

Recommended sandbox configuration:

    "BuildingAreaRestrictionDisabled": true,

Additional settings:


Ignored Game Settings After Creation

Changing certain settings after the world has already been created does not appear to take effect, even after a server restart. Problematic settings include:

  • CastleBloodEssenceDrainModifier
  • CastleLimit
  • DismantleResourceModifier
  • RefinementCostModifier
  • RefinementRateModifier
  • RecipeCostModifier
  • TeleportBoundItems


The solution is not fully tested , but one user (pernahajder) reported if you create a new server with a custom GameSettingsPreset the settings will take hold. Unfortunately, this means you need to create a new server. To do this, you need to:

  • go to \VRisingServer_Data\StreamingAssets\GameSettingPresets\
  • select a profile you want to use and make a copy of it
  • rename the profile and add the settings you want
  • edit your <ServerHostSettings.json> and set the GameSettingsPreset to the profilename you have created
  • Launch the new server

Server Not Showing Up on Masterlist

Ensure that ServerHostSettings.json contains the line: "ListOnMasterServer": true Note, after changing any configuration file, a restart is required.

You can also test to see if your server is reachable by entering this URL into your browser, and replacing you IP address at the end:

Example Output:

{"response":{"success":true,"servers":[{"addr":"","gmsindex":-1,"steamid":"90159454573187079","appid":1604030,"gamedir":"V Rising","region":-1,"secure":true,"lan":false,"gameport":9876,"specport":0}]}}

Some users reported that after changing to new ports and back again, the server began showing up on the list.

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